Monday, October 1, 2018

Elder Bennett ^^

Hey you guys! I hope you had an awesome week and got To see the hand of God in your life's! 

-The story of Felix and kemi 
Felix born on Ghana and kemi born in Nigeria. They pass there lives loving God. Kemis dad is a pastor.  Kemis parents trust Felix and They meet and Get married. Because of difficult living they decide to leave and go to Europe. They cross the desert with their baby who has 1 year old. They pray and worship God even in the desert with not much food or water. They make it to the ocean. Get onto a boat and they are all put closely together on a boat. 2 miles out they start to sink. They all get on deck and see helicopter who came to save them all. Felix told me it was his best moment in his life. When he saw the helicopter. He was so close to dying but God saved him. They get to Italy and go to church to worship God. They are badly treated because they wernt "Like all the others" in cloths and language and stuff. They come to France. Middle of January with 2 kids now. Sleep at the train station in the cold with 2 little children. Still thanking God. They find a place to live. Meet missionaries on the bus, follow lessons. While we were gping to lessons felix would contact people in bussss and trams to invite peolle to leaen about god with us. ( really finny cause he doesnt speak he walks up to people and says. Bonjour ... you speak english? )Get baptised this past Saturday. President and elder sundwall were ale to baptise. It was awesome because President baptised Felix in his native language Twi. Sunday they got the holy ghost and I was able to do the confirmation for kemi. 
 Satuday night we get a call and they already start missionary work. They invited there friends in Italy and Ghana to go to the church of God. Wow. These people have showed me alot of what it means to be a true follower of Christ. We can understand the bible by watching how they live. We can get to know better our brother Jesus Christ. By the way they treat others and trust God. Let us all be followers of Christ. So people understand the bible and book of Mormon with our having read it. So they feel the love of Christ. With out having ever heard his name. 

We saw alot of other family's that our super in this ward. Ecully rocks. Haha 

Love you all. Love to hear from you all! Have a good week! 

Hii mom! Sounds m
Like you were you able to have a good week and do tag! Haha I bet hux loved it. It's funny cause in French cotton candy is barbe de papa. Which means dad's beard. Haha 

Yes everything went so good! KEMI AND FELIX GOT BAPTISED! they were sooo happy and it was such a great experience! I was so happy to be able to be apart of that and see them change. They are such a cool family! 

For legality we just kinda had to give a bunch of papers and stuff and then we got let in easy haha 
But crazy story we left Tuesday night to go cause we had the car with another elder who was going with us. He came to Lyon. Forgot his stuff so that night we drove back to his house and didn't get back till 12. The. Had to leave at 4 to travel across the country in car to get our stuff. Haha President knew what we were doing we were just really tired and stuff! Haha 
I talked to President about my hernia. I got it checked and the doc said that I had one, but so I'll be getting it ultra sounded tomorrow at 14h. Haha so that's Gunna be interesting. 

Hope dad and Jorden will be safe! Haha Connyr is still down in UVU? 
Love you mom! Thanks for all you do! 


Elder Bennett 

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