Monday, December 25, 2017

Good letter for the family from elder murdock

Bonjour everyone! 
How's it going?

  So yesterday was transfer day aaaaaaaaaaanddddddd. I'm gonna stay :). Elder Bennett got moved to Switzerland in the Yverdon-les-bains sector (It's kinda near Bienne) and I received Elder Castillo Pazmiño.  He's originally from Ecuador, then he moved to Spain, and then he lived in England for a bit.  I'm excited for this upcoming transfer and more opportunities to serve the Lord with my new companion! :D

  Last week was pretty packed, but I'll still try to keep this email short.

On Monday we visited an elderly sister, she seemed to really appreciate it.
Tuesday we did some work with our DMB (stands for Ward Mission Leader).  He drove us around to different towns so we could pass by some less-actives' houses.  

  The first house we tried to pass ended up being some kind of farm.  Our DMB had to park his big white van far from the actual house because there was a chain blocking the long road leading there.  So Elder Bennett and I hopped out and walked in the mud up to the farmhouse.  We had almost reached it when Elder Bennett suddenly stopped.  I looked a bit closer and we had almost walked straight into an electric fence circling the area to keep the cows in.  We climbed over the fence and continued.

  We walked up to a set of buildings that we supposed would be the living area.  A few were sheds and garages, but one had what seemed to be a front yard, but we couldn't see the door from where we were at.  So we rounded the corner to look for it, but as we did so, we saw a group of cows just standing there.  One of them was a bull, and as we got closer, still looking for the door, he started stamping one of his feet and lowering his head looking like he was gonna charge us, so we quickly backed away to save that house for another day!  XD

   Wednesday we met with Pascale (Agen's amazing recent-convert) for Lunch.  On the bus ride there, this French girl did some reverse finding for us and contacted Elder Bennett, so now we have her number and Facebook XD.  After the meal with Pascale, we had that rendez-vous with Espoir that he set up last week when we passed by his house.  When we arrived, he wasn't there of course. :P. Figures. 

   Thursday we went to this outer village called Auch.  We shared a spiritual thought and ate with an older, but still very active member at his house there.  We told him we were also planning on visiting another member who is even older than him named Philipe.  He offered to show us the way to where he lives, so we happily agreed, seeing as neither of us had been to Auch before.  On the way, he became our tour guide as he showed us Auch's big Cathedral (which is actually kinda beautiful in a very imposing and apostate way).  The cathedral is at the top of a big hill and from it, you can see most of Auch and the surrounding area, so that was cool.  Going down the hill there was also a really nice, big staircase with some verses of the Bible made of metal on the ground of one tier written in Latin.  Apparently, they are about Noah and the arc. Kinda interesting.

   Auch is pretty nice, kinda reminds me of Angoulême, where I used to go for exchanges while I served in Périgueux. 

   So we arrived at our destination and it turns out that Philipe, who comes to church almost every week along with the other older member, lives in a mental hospital...
He is mostly sane, but that explains why he always acts more like a kid than an old man. 
We talked with him and shared a video in the waiting room of the hospital.  The fact that we visited him made him really happy!  After the lesson, as we were leaving the mental hospital, we saw some of the other patients walking around, and we deducted that Philipe is probably the most sane person there!  He's honestly probably in there because he no longer speaks French very well.  He speaks better English in fact, but that's probably because he served a mission in Canada and lived in England for a while.  

Friday we had transfer calls and weekly planning.  We went around and said goodbye to some of our friends and invited

Elder Bennett

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

hallelujah means welcome!

hallelujah means welcome! 

Hello everyone!! this week we got our transfer calls and i moved up into switzerland to a ville called Yverdon!! its awesome into a little mountains and a lake too! my new companions name is Elder Weinmann and hes French hes still got a few weeks left in training, hes allready a great guy!! hahah its gunna be really good for my french! im really excited for this transfer and plus, i get to have a Swissmiss, (christmas in swiss) 

this last week, i spent in Agen, and we did some good work, we found some good people to start teaching and it was a week full of meetings! rendez-vous. i forgot what to call it. and thats what i loved about Agen is there was alwasy someone fun to talk to! 

we had a Christmas meal at the church and it was really cool! we ate really good too!

appointments, thats the word i was looking for. 

the sunday was sad becuase i was saying my a la prochain( to the next time) to everyone and it was pretty sad, then, we went up to a super strong members house, it was her birthday, and we celebrated it with her! it was great! i dont have a whole lot of time, today! but love you all! best of wishes! 


Elder Benett 

Elder Bennett

Monday, December 11, 2017

Elder Dallen Bennetts Letter nov 27 - dec 11


last week, Elder Murdock and I did a whole ton of contacting, and porting ( tracting). it was more that what i have usually done! it was hard and pretty cold because it is close to christmas, which means its usally pretty cold, unless your in the tropics *cough* friends toward the Equator. it always feels so satifying to find those people who want to follow Jesus Christ! 

ahh and now for my french that i work everyday on. there is this elder whos a native french speaker and idk, my goal is to speak great french. so i asked this native french speaker what i should do, he said, practice reading with a pen in your mouth, so you have to try hard to pronounce the words. so its pretty funny, just imagine me trying to pronouch all these frenche R's and OU's with a pen in my mouth, its pretty great. 

Last Monday, It was our Christmas Conference!! it was so great and President and Sister Brown came down to toulouse for it and we had such a great timme! we made little baggys with candy in it, and a "light the world" card in it and went out and gave it to some people!.. theres alot of poeple who dont like candy much.. haha it was alot of fun and we met some really cool people! 
we ate a whole bunch, and laughed a whole ton, and watched some proformances from missionaries, it was super great! 

also this week we went back to Aix en Provence for my companions legality, we woke up at 5 A.M. which.. if anyone on amission knows. sleep is valuable. haha that was hard and the train wasnt super confortable.  but we made it safely and it was a smooth ride! 

we had some really great lessons with people this week. some Amis, Recent Converts, and Members. its alot alot of fun around christmas time! one of our amis, her name is Maire, she is super sweet, she loves to follow jesus christ, she is just having a problem with church athority because she thinks every church with the name Jesus christ is the ONE! haha but she is super charitable. she talks a whole lot, but for this christmas season, she siad, me and my comp are like her sons, and that she loves us, she gave us for christmas a super cool scarf and gloves and some l'eau de toilette. it was super nice of her and i was touched my that. 

love you guys, thanks for all your examples of followers of Christ. 


Elder Bennett

1. Elder murdock and I
2. christmas in ville nueve
3. pretty spot in Agen
4. old man named Philip. he speaks perfect english, better than french, and he was trying to give me bunny ears. he also brings marshmellows every sunday to give to kids. 
5. alexandre, he said we were eskimos
6-10. light the world
11. PASCALE and we decorated her tree:)