Monday, September 25, 2017

Transfer week ( je restes a Agen)

soo this week was the end of the first transfer! wowza! thats sweet ! we got the calls friday morning and me and elder romer are staying here in Agen! boyah! 

new food i had ( probably my new fav)
its potatoes, with cheese, and then some ham ontop! super dupber good! 

but, not a whole lot to tell this week!  ive got alot of pics( cause pictures are worth 1000 words) and my testimony

choose to live. live on purpose. God has given un the ability to choose for ourselves, so choose to live, choose to be good. a lady in in our branch said this yesterday " les commandements protége notre libre arbitre " the commandments protects our free agency. @2nephi2:27, find something this week to activly change and choose. new results come, and we choose to change. and most importantly, choose to keep the commandments. its will save our ability to choose. 

i love you all!

Elder Bennett!

Monday, September 18, 2017


on saturday we had a baptism! it was aweesome! this little girl, almost 9 got baptised by her older brother, it was so aweosme, we got to teach her the lessons and have some good times, some good lunches, and some good spirit. she was so happy and excited to follow Jesus Christ and be baptised!
at this baptism we had our little branch there, we traveled up to bordeaux and did it at a chapel there! i gave the talk on baptism and helped with the music, the spirit was there so strong and i hope it touched some of her family as it did me. (pictures down below) 

so nothing else quite as big as a baptism. but it was so great, such a miracle.

okay. so i will take a little to talk about french, france, and just world stuff. 

-drive on the right side of rode
-drive kinda crazzy
-talk pretty fast
-they love thier juice ( i havent has a single meal with out juice. so that rocks) 
-customer service is a little bit diifferent
-roundabouts are so great
-alot of people smoke
-bread is big here(but everyone allready know that, but i dont think people understand, they just walk around wiht a huge bagguet at munch on that while they walk) 
--i havent found any AC yet, 
-there are alot of Cathedrals
-you have to pay for bathrooms/and water

so thers a good list for now! its pretty great here. alot of fun stuff always going on! 

Hope all is well,


Elder Bennett

Monday, September 11, 2017


so its kind of really cool to see how much you see your self change.
heres a list
-i like tomatoes now. so thats cool
- i like to read alot now.
-annd..... i cut my own hair this week. its not bad but...  My sister does it so much bettter, 
-also testimony for sure. my purpose as a missionary is to inivite and help others come to Christ by faith, baptism, holy ghost, and enduring to the end. i have definitly seen myself grow closer to my savior and my love and need for him grow. 

some stories these past two weeks! 
Sooo! im in Agen, this super cool but a relativly small ville for the france lyon mission. but its awesome. we have a recent convert who is the bomb. she lives about 30 minutes bike riding from our house, UP HILL. so we make the suepr long ride up. like straight up( yes bo, thanks for teaching me alittle climbing on a bike, but its hard on a missionary beach cruiser) and then we eat some super great things and talk about even better things( the gospel, christ, ext) then we bolt downt the windy hill as fast as we can, and try not to fall. thats a blast! haha this lady is also super great and she loves the missionaries and texts us and makes sure we are doing good alot:) 

next! a little language mess up:) yay oui boyah

soo! we are preparing this little girl for her baptism on saturday and we are teaching about the holy ghost and i was doing this part of the lesson, but appearently i didnt do good enought study, so i siad " and the holy ghost is a "confiture" trying to say comforter, but i actually said jelly. so i said to this little girl, "the holy ghost is jelly. so ca va. im still alive. hahah and shes still getting baptized. 

next a little exchange

last week, i had a blues exchange ( greeny, newbies, people who dont speak the language) haha me and elder wagner went on an exchange! we tried to pass some people. contact. and, not get lost! super fun! haha it was pretty good and it was a great learning opprotunity! 

in the MTC, we were shown a video silent interview on Christ, you all should go watch it. 
it asks a few questions, and you answer them in your head, i have writen down these questions and they are on the back of my name tag. i often when i have a moment of silencee. look at them, reflect in my mind what Christ means to me. i know he lives, he defeated death, sin, sufference, so i could know life, happyness, and joy. i love him, im greatful for Him. He is my friend, He is your friend. 

I love you all. 

Read the book of mormon. its a great book

Elder Bennett

p1 a little kid in the branch. 
p2 toulouse
p3 a good way to finish a big meal

rest, some videos of some fun