Monday, September 24, 2018

Im excited to follow Jesus

Hello everyone:) 
This week was alot of running around here in Ecully, we had some exchanges here with some of our elders who are so funny, they are always bickering, but they have a good time. We got to help an aweosme member family and we had some very good spiritual moments with them. 

We went to 2 baptisms this week and they were so excited and so funny! We've been preparing for baptisms of our friends Felix and Camille! Camille was so excited after her interview she started singing, "I'm excited to follow Jesus". 

I continue to grow and learn how much God loves us. And how constant the atonement is. There are so many different situations and it adapts to every single on of our situations.  If you get a chance you'll have to see all the stories I write in my journal that people have told us. Sorry but here in email you don't get 2% of what I learn. Haha but pray for our friends! I pray for you all! Keep up the good work! 


Elder Bennett 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Petit joueur

Haha such great stuff happened this week! Tuesday night we had such a funny meeting with a member. The papa of the house kept feeding us and tell us to eat more and more and if we couldn't finish he was call us a petit joueur(little player). Haha we laughed a good time with them. 

We are working with an ami named Felix. Him and his Wife were maried traditionally but they are immigrants here. They would love to be baptised  it we have to figure out a way to do that. Good news is that in Africa the church recognizes traditional marriages. So we have to call down to the mission President to find out if we can do the baptism! :) 

This week I've really been noticing how every person life is not as easy as it may appear. It's something we cannot judge. But one thing is sure is that the gospel of Jesus Christ helps and uplift every family and person who lives it. 

Love you all! Let's make someone's life brighter today send a smile their way:) 

Elder Bennett 

Monday, September 10, 2018


I'll have to say that this week was pretty cool! We had a little exchange starting this week with a funny Canadian elder Jensen. We were running around a whole bunch this week. Meeting with members and our friends! 
We did alot with our member anns. We had a quick dinner with her Monday night and then ran over to her house Monday morning for breakfast! It was awesome eating some pancakes (powncok) #elder sundwall, 
We met with an ami named Amen. We promised him alot of blessing and we were all ready hyped upped for his baptism! The one thing stopping him is his mother who is a protestant Congo lady. Haha no messing around with that. We called her tri3d to explain to her and. We are still working on that. Amen will be getting baptised soon! 
We hopped on train that took us to grenoble! Did some exchanges and we were doing some waiting at a tram. I decided to contact a lady I heard speaking some Spanish! Holy turns out she wall aready  a member that moved to the area 2 years earlier and has never been to church here in France! She has 2 kids and I hope that can continue!! At exchanges we are with a Tongan family. Holy we are so good:) loved them! 
Loved this week. Love the mission. I'm so grateful to be able to find the answers to our questions. God loves us. He is ready to bless us. 

Love you all! T'ill next week! 

Elder Bennett:)

Monday, September 3, 2018


Heyyy y'all! First week in the new area did not disappoint. Haha we had alot of stuff to be doing all week.
I got here Monday after a few hours of trains.we then went and did my bus pass. While in line we heard some lady speaking English, so Instantly contacted her and she was from Inida. We talked about temples and showed her pictures. It was awesome to see the power of the temple.  We went straight to the meeting at bishops pommiers house. Hahaha dalihla the bishops wife, haha they are so funny. 

I've met alot of our friends here. They are aweosme and we've got alot of people who are progressing. 

Our week was full and we had lots of fun. Elder Sundwall is a weapon. 

We had our exchanges with the APS. I was with Elder schulzke again! Had a good time running in the same sector we share! 

God is good. He is ready to bless us. 

Love you all!