Monday, February 19, 2018

se preparer

It’s amazing how when you prepare yourself for the Lords work, how it all falls into place, last week, we had a lesson scheduled with a part member family and they asked for a blessing when we came that night, so we had been preparing ourselves for the blessing,  we had a good lesson, but the daughter ended up not being there for us to give a blessing, we had lesson with a family in the ward just after, at the end they asked us to give them blessings! It was really cool how preparing ourselves, the lord will use us to help his work! I have seen so many similar things!

This week there was Valentine’s Day and I hope it was great for you all! For us missionaries we contacted all of the recent converts of 5 years and taught them a lesson of the temple… turning the hearts of the children to the father, and the father’s hearts to the children. 

We were able to give two chapel tours this week with two of our new friends! It was great and really cool to show how simple, and spiritual our church is. I’ve seen a few other churches here and they are really nice, pretty, but very expensive, and have an air as if to show how powerful they are. It was cool to see our amis feel the spirit as we spent some time in our chapel! 

There are some pics down below! Love you all! 
Have a grand week.


Elder Bennett

1.familly maillard 

2.comps not a fan of photos, mais, je m'en fiche
3. Famille Rochat
4. last mondays FHE
5. little funny girl who sat by me during sacrement meeting, shes pretty good at drawing animals.
6&7. your typical missionary tag pics. 

fun fact: on a typical farm of 46 cows and a good handful of chickens, you can produce 600 and about 40 eggs every day 

Monday, February 12, 2018

chais pas


Last Monday night, me and my comp had a lesson with the bishop and his family! We realized as we were on the train to their house that my comp forgot to tell them that he couldn't eat gluten, so we were praying that he could eat something and not be sick for the rest of the week, turns out, everything they served he could eat! A little tender mercy to start the week! 

The next morning we got up and went and played ping pong with a less active. ha-ha I've played a not a bad amount of ping pong with my friends but this guy took it to another level. I was using 5 star balls, yes Ethan 5 stars. Anyways, we played good, I got wrecked a few times but managed to win a few times.

We had a great district meeting, there’s a picture down below, it was good, and my district leader just got an emergency transfer to Corsica, so that was sad, he’s a good guy I looked up to a lot! 

This week at church I finally made the connection with all the kids. hahaha it was snowing and they all kind of ran outside, so I kind of just stepped outside and maybe tossed a little tiny snowball in the direction of one of the little rascals, haha  It hit the ground but all the kids looked back and then it was all of them verses me. haha it was great fun and we had some good times! 

I continue to learn how important member missionary work is, and I continue to see how god is preparing people for us all. 

Love you all! Have a great week

Monday, February 5, 2018

some kids here think they know american football:)

bonjour tout le monde! 

On monday of last week, i was down in Geneva to pick up my new companion! hes name is Elder Hayes from Wales!! while i was waiting, i played a really fun game with some of the other elders in geneva called chair foot. its pretty great! 

me and elder hayes came back Yverdon and got to work, we had a lesson that night with some members, and we helped an old member with her trash in our house that she couldnt take out:) 

my new companion is younger than me in the mission, so im a little more expericend with the languge, i can tell you that i have felt the gift of tongues, its really cool to see. and the power of the book of mormon to help do it! 

we had a fantastic night spent with 2 member families where we made crepes! ah it was such a blast and we played some fun games to laugh, we read some scritpures to feel the spirit, and we had crepes to come together. 

mosiah 15 : 8-9

im grateful for Christ, my family, this gospel, my friends.
the power of a smile. 

love you all! have a great week! 

the picture, there was a really cool line of frost, but cameras never to it justice, but it was pretty:)
Elder Bennett