Monday, November 26, 2018

Éternel est notre club

First week of the new transfer and got started with alot of things going on, last Monday we had to be at the train station all day getting all the missionaries to their respective cities we said goodbye to the departing missionaries which is always sad, but full of joy and they have finish their part in this great battle. We then got to see some of the new missionaries that came in, with them ready to take the suite. I was able to go on a rapid split with a new missionary from Spain. Spanish is such an awesome language, he's a monster contacter already as he was talking to each person he could on the bus. 

After that was done we had some other elders that were comming to stay the next day. We did an exchange with them, had an awesome meeting with promise(the sister of a new family that moved in)we gave her a book of Mormon and she said that she read the chapters we gave her and she started crying and she said she can't stop thinking about being baptised. 

The next day we had some more splits with some good friends elder schulzke and Elder eklund. Both from Canada and weapons for the lords work. We saw samoly(our recent convert) and prepared him to bless the sacrement, which he did this past Sunday. 

We met with Amen. Our ami who hasn't been baptised yet and been going to church and everything for over 1 year. Elder Sundwall and I have been drilling and digging deep to get him baptised with the proper authority. He was baptised at age 19, in the protestant church. He is 23 and believes that his baptism was valid. Now don't mistake that this experience isn't hard. Telling a strong believer of Christ that his baptism wasnt correct. But what blessing it is to be told that from 2 young men from the only true church that holds the authority. I know that this church is the only chruch of Jesus Christ. The powers of the priesthood were restored. Don't ever doute that or look else where for the joy that it brings. 

This week I met a man from Venezuela. I always love talking to southern Americans. Open, and loving. Plus the Spanish part:) so awesome. 

We had thanksgiving with a very sweet recent convert Amandine. She had 2 ward families over, all 6 missionaries, and another one of her friends. Very good companies and food. 

My brothers and sisters I'm grateful to be on a mission in this great time. I know God lives. Faith in JESUS CHRIST, and only him, is what is going to get the through this life to the next. 

I love you all! Take care, 
And sing lots of Christmas songs for me cause Christmas is so soon. 

Elder Bennett 

Hey MOM!  How are you doing? I hope thanks giving was good, that you were able to eat alot of Turkey at all and that dad wasn't having his reflux. Hahaha. 

Haha good! I'll send you one of the other videos as well, haha id love to hear how Jorden used it and what the lesson was on! 

I saw some videos that Brauntae sent me and there is a whole lot of snow! Alot alot! 

Ok that's aweosme! I'll let you know if I have gotten the packages.

Yes it's very weird how fast things are going! Pretty soon it will be Christmas. We are all ready making alot of plans for Christmas! 

Thanks for all you do mom! I sent some pictures by Facebook! I love you! 

Elder Bennett 

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