Monday, May 14, 2018


HII! This week was great and we saw some super cool miracles! 

We started this week by doing a ward activity that was a barbeque which was super dun and we gotta play some basketball with all the ward kids. That rocks. We had a whole bunch of food to take home. 

We then did exchanges, we wernt finding a whole lot of people until our exchanged and then people just started comming out and being interested! It was cool and we found some good potentials!  

Saturday was a day like I want all my days to be. 
We woke up. Did studies. Went the church. Had our first rendez vous with someone named Antonia! She is so cool and so prepared! She how's how to feel the spirit and she accepted a date to be baptised! So please keep her in your prayers! That's huge because Lormont the sector hasn't had a person with a baptismal date since I've been on my mission. So is really big to see that! 
Next we went back and ate food, then came back to the church for another lesson with a man who has studies a whole bunch and he loved our lesson and told us he's always down for a lesson and that he is looking for the truth. Then we went and visited a family with a little kid who's 10. He's not baptised and he loves praying. We taught him how to pray on Wednesday and he prayed like 3 times during our lesson. Anyways we saw him and that was great. Then we went and got some French bread. Oh it was a great day. I learn how the work we do today shows it's self tomorrow

Yesterday talking with my family was awesome. I recently am trying to use the family in my contacts and help people have to opprotunity to have the eternal family. 

God is good. 

Elder Bennett! 

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