Monday, May 28, 2018

Karate master

! This week was great and full of great things. Some high lights go as follows. 

1. We had zone conference with 3 zones. It was alot of fun, but the last with President and Soeur Brown. Their examples love and leadership have changed lives!

2. Exchanges with Bergerac and talance! 

3. Our ami who loves karate. Haha the title is named after that because wow. We had a lesson and he was talking about karate and I asked him to teach me some things. He then told me to stand up and hit him. And we demonstrated the basic defence and strength of a karate instructeur Hahaha it was funny. Good times with Bruno it was a good lessons and he says he wants to meet with us again. So cool. 

4. At church. It was motherday today in France and the primary did a musical number. It was really something special and it made alot of mom's and other cry! I'll send the words down below.:)  or next week.

I've learned alot of the simple doctrine of the church. We need to stay simple. The simple doctrines will be able to apply to each of us. When we teach we need to stay simple and clear. God's doctrine are simple and clear. 

Love you all! Keep doing good things

I got a picture with all my comps. With the exception of elder Hayes. Sorry buddy. 


This week went good! We had alot of exchanges and just stuff happening all day everyday! Haha it's been exhausting. 
Haha good! I'm glad you can have the Charles over the 13ths! Haha that will be fun!

Haha tats good! I hope with jordan it will all be ok! 
Haha and I hope the same with our jorden:) haha 

Ok yes I did see the garments! I'll let you know! I should be gettingthem in a week our two! 

Ahh it's crazy that Taylor is already home! That went by so fast! I'm sure she had a great mission! And is anything going better with that family? With our family and stuff? 

I thought we got rid of the shed? Or did it become something else? 

Antonia came to church again this week and it's going really good. She started crying during the primary program. They sang a song for mothers day I'll send to you on Facebook! 
It's hard because in our lesson we were teaching in 2 other members. And I love the members but they don't really know how to teach simple doctrines. I've seen how much we need to keep our studies simple. Just the basic paphmlets. They really have such basic and clear truths. 

Yep this week was our zone conference.. the last with President Brown! Which was really sad! 

Love you mom! Thanks for all you do all ready! 

Je t'aime <3 

Monday, May 21, 2018

I'm grateful for seminary

Bonjour à tous 

This week was great and flew by! 
It started out by a great Tuesday where we had a whole day packed of lessons. We met this cool young man who we say Tuesday morning. We were able to talk about the restoration, he was really touched by what was felt and we saw a few tears role down the cheeks as we shared testimony of the restored gospels message or Gods love. 
We then had another lesson with our recent new amie Antonia (please keep her in your prayers) is progressing so well. She came to church yesterday and we gave her a tour of the chapel. We answered questions of what she saw. He and her son quickly felt the spirit of the sacrement.  We showed he the baptismal font. As soon as she walked in she said" wow. There's something here, I can feel it! " she had strongly felt the spirit there! 

The rest of the week was awesome we passed some points and some family's! It's always so fun meeting all the new people. 

I'm grateful for seminary. We had a lesson this week with a man we found named Bruno. He has studied ALOT. The bible and the words of Christ. We had a lesson and it wasn't going so great.  But I had a prompting to share a scripture mastery. It went along perfect. And it fortified his testimony of why we need to book of Mormon. He expressed that he lives meeting with us and is going to read the book of Mormon. Never hesitate to share a scripture. They are a tool for us. Literally seminary helps so much for what we learn and what I've been teaching on my mission.  

Challenge this week: learn a new scripture by heart. Also try and share it with someone:) 

Love you all! Bisous! 

Elder Bennett 

Frere lescure 

Found a chicken 


Is famille Charles 

Monday, May 14, 2018


HII! This week was great and we saw some super cool miracles! 

We started this week by doing a ward activity that was a barbeque which was super dun and we gotta play some basketball with all the ward kids. That rocks. We had a whole bunch of food to take home. 

We then did exchanges, we wernt finding a whole lot of people until our exchanged and then people just started comming out and being interested! It was cool and we found some good potentials!  

Saturday was a day like I want all my days to be. 
We woke up. Did studies. Went the church. Had our first rendez vous with someone named Antonia! She is so cool and so prepared! She how's how to feel the spirit and she accepted a date to be baptised! So please keep her in your prayers! That's huge because Lormont the sector hasn't had a person with a baptismal date since I've been on my mission. So is really big to see that! 
Next we went back and ate food, then came back to the church for another lesson with a man who has studies a whole bunch and he loved our lesson and told us he's always down for a lesson and that he is looking for the truth. Then we went and visited a family with a little kid who's 10. He's not baptised and he loves praying. We taught him how to pray on Wednesday and he prayed like 3 times during our lesson. Anyways we saw him and that was great. Then we went and got some French bread. Oh it was a great day. I learn how the work we do today shows it's self tomorrow

Yesterday talking with my family was awesome. I recently am trying to use the family in my contacts and help people have to opprotunity to have the eternal family. 

God is good. 

Elder Bennett! 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Wear the name

Hello!! Holy this week flew by! Last Monday it got warm enough and the little shack by the volleyball courts was open, we started playing our sand Vollyball, throwback to all the buddies who played at Barns. And the good rallies we had in the MTC. Then I was able to take a plane from Bordeaux  to LYON for MLC.  While there some amazing stuff happened! We were getting something to eat! This guy and I started talking, he had alot of questions about what we were doing and we were able to talk about the restoration and the plan of salvation! Then I show up the office and holy what a  reunion! I was able to see some of the coolest! ELDER JENSEN,TRENTMAN, OSBORNE! and tbere was many others but those 3 were in my group comming in and all rock at their job! 
Tuesday was MLC and we talk alot about working with members and how important it is.. our relationships with members! 

We've had some lessons with to me are example families, they've shown me alot of how they have been able to teach the gospel in their homes even with a world that is so wicked. I've noticed that it's a love for the gospel that the parents have and show and share. The kind of things I was able to grow up with, which by the way I'm so excited to talk to my family soon! #mothersday  

Alma 5:14 
14 Et maintenant, voici, je vous demande, mes frères de l’Église, êtes-vous nés spirituellement de Dieu ? Votre visage est-il empreint de son image ? Avez-vous éprouvé ce grand changement dans votre cœur
14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?

We get some crucial questions here. (Also the following verses are powerful too. Go give it a read)

Love you all! God is good, all the time. And all the time ? 

Elder Bennett

HII mom! 
Yes I did! I sent you a video of us going to the plane! 

Hahaha now hux has A.c. 

Wow And sounds like the family is getting into the SUMMER routine! Nice. And I'm sure that's nice to have Connyr back home! Ahh Jorden went to prom! That's so awesome! 

Yes this week was good, we don't ha e alot of amis that progress right now, which is hard and we do alot of finding and working with members!! We Have great ward! The best in the mission so that's super exciting ! And all the members love us! Haha We are having a BBQ tomorrow it's something that me and my companion have put on! This week we've also got some more exchanges which is where we go with another team to work! They are really fun! 

I think what will work best is if I call around 18h my time so that will be about 10 a clock your time! But I'll be able to send you a little message before or that has to change but we can plan for that! I'm way excited to talk to you guys! 

One thing. That you guys can do:) is set a goal to take more selfies with the family in it:) like how my photos are how I hold the phone and then the families are in the back ground. The word selfie is weird, it don't mean to take a picture of ones self. But it means that we can talk a picture by ourselves while still being in the picture. Haha love you mom! Can't wait to talk to you! 
And I sent some picture to facebook:) 
Elder Bennett