Monday, August 21, 2017

In France....

WEll, i guess im offically here in france!! haha 
we left the MTC, which was so sad. my district and teachers all became so close! helf of us were going to the Paris mission, while the other half was going to the Lyon mission! and the best teachers out there got to stay in provo! 

anyways, we left out on monday morning, we had a 3 hour lay over, then we took off on our 9 hour flight to amsterdam, and then we had to run literally run, to our next plane going to lyon. we barely made it which was so great, but they didnt get our stuff transfered soon enough so we got our stuff back later that week. 

the arrival in france was great! we were welcomed by our mission president and some missionaries. they are all so nice and super amazing! president and sister brown are from sandy utah and have got a really nice mission home here with a pool (we cant use:/) a basketball court, and a tramp. its very nice! 

i then got my trainer, and area ive been assignned to. my trainers name, is Elder Roemer. hes been out for about 10 months. and he is great. hes from las vegas.
then we were assigned the City of AGEN! WE ARE WHITE WASHING IT. which means neither of us have served there before. so weve been lost a few times! but weve made it back great! we have no real progressing investigators, but Ca va, we will get there. 

the french,
me: i want to work on my patience,
*wait till you get to france,* 

hahahha its great! i can understand mostly what the general idea is. but speaking, wow. thats rough. everyone keeps saying it will come. so i know ill have to wait that one. 

as for some experiences here in france, one man we met, hime and his little some were just on the street so we went and talked to them, we got talking and the kid was getting a little ready to go, so my comp has a rubix cube so we gave it to him to play with for the time, i missed it up. and that litte boy about 4 solved it into the flower!!!!!!!!! what in the world. we all started freaking out. it was awesome! they hopefully will become some of our good amis! 

yesterrday was our first day at church and we met all the branch, there are about 26 people regurarly, and one recent convert, she texts the missionaries every moring and night wishing us  good day and a good night! hahhah she is so sweet! then we went over to the branch presidents house and had dinner, holy cow. THEY HAVE GOOD AND LONG DINNERS. HAHAHAH but they have some crazzy cute and crazzy boys about 4 and 2. they were so awesome and when we were leaving they were hugging our legs begging us not to go! haha they rock! 

ive learned how gratefuly i am for the spirit. how much i need it in my everyday. even though i can speak or understand much, i often ask the spirit what i should share, and what the spirit of the convo is. its so amazing because it tells me what to say, and when to say it, and how to act. i love it. for all, and expecially for future missionaries, try and memorized the scriptures and their locations. it will come in handy so many times. 

anyways, i love france, and i love this gospel it is so ture and im glad ive been raised in it. i love my savior.

Avec amour,

Elder Bennett

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