Monday, March 25, 2019

Les cuisses de grenouilles

Transfers:12 weeks left:training: Good evening everyone!  
This week was bitter sweet, elder miller and mine last week in poitiers. Elder west will be staying that taking care of all of our amis that we have progressing towards the sweet waters of baptism. 

We spend some time with one of our amis, she had received a strong prompting that she needed to have us meet her daughter and introduce her to the church of Jesus Christ.  We had a sweet meeting and we able to feel the spirit toghether. 

This week I was able to confer the priesthood upon Hervé. To the office of a priest. It was a powerful and moving experience I was privileged to participate in. 

We found some very cool people week, one man from the Congo and he had an auntie that was part of the church of Jesus Christ. The man read when he was younger the book of Mormon and has always been curious. We taught him the first lesson and after he came to church as well. 

Cool story: a man who refereed him self while I was in talence, I was able to start teaching him, and we have him a book of Mormon. Then he kinda dropped off the earth after the 2nd meeting. But elder Osborne went into Bordeaux and this man starred comming to church and meeting the missionaries also. He said that the first day he got the book of Mormon he felt a very strong opposition to read the book of Mormon. He got though it and read it a little. But dropped off the earth. 
But he will be getting baptised this Friday:) happy for him! 

God is Good. He supports us. 
Love you all:) 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Ce que Dieu a fait pour moi, je ne peux pas tout raconter

Good afternoon brother and sisters, i hope you are all doing great, this week in poitiers France we had an awesome week full for blessings. 

Hervé and charlotte got baptised and confiremed! It was great to be able to meet them and teach them, see how much God has prepared them, 
It started out by meeting them on the bus and then right after showing them the chapel which they don't love far away from. Hervé had all ready met the church from his home country in  the ivry cost but never had been. We were able to show them around and set up another meeting for the week. After our first meeting we learned this week that him and his wife after we had left our first lessons they looked at eachother stunned for about 5 minutes because they had found what they were looking for. 
Both of their baptisms were great and they felt so much joy. I know God prepared people.  As missionaries is our job to find those who are ready, and as us as members it's our job to invite our friends to come and see.

We have another few friends that are progressing very well, they are receiving answers to their prayers and we are excited to see them acting on their inspirations. 

Love you all:) last week of this transfer. Have a good one

Elder bennett:) 

Monday, March 11, 2019

First time for all things

Good morning! I hope you're doing great things here in poitiers are doing great! Let's get started!

Last Monday night we headed over to Hervé and Charlotte's home, we had set out to give a lesson to teach the word of wisdom, as we got in we let conversation take it's way following the spirit and teaching to their needs, we needed up giving Hervé his first priesthood blessing of his life. They are in a situation difficult in their life and they are learning on Jesus Christ. Amazing examples of Faith:) 

We had a pancake party with some members from Brazil. We had a great time making these cakes and during the activity the lady wanted to teach me Portuguese by singing Portuguese gospel songs🤣🤣 we had alot of fun with them and a few youth in the branch. 

We had some great finds this week and some aw3some people call and want to have a meeting with us. 

Elder Miller and I gave a talk in church yesterday, I talked about true faith in jesus christ. Having faith in jesus christ means having faith that he is our Lord and personal savior .  I testify that he is and that he gives us peace and joy. 

Love you all:) have fun doing the program this week:) 

Elder Bennett 

Monday, March 4, 2019

It's Gunna take you all day to clean that.

Good morning / afternoon, 
I hope you are all doing great. 
Here in poitiers we are seeing so many blessing of God. 
We were able to have alot of our friends at church and accept baptismal dates and also work toward these dates. 
A few amazing people we worked with this week, 
Marianne- she was a miracle find form last week, we had 2 meeting with her and she really has alot of faith, and understands the need for a prophet. During our 2nd meeting she randomly asked us how to be baptised because she has had many questions on that. That was amazing and she came to church. 

Herve and charlotte- they are keeping all their engagements and herve was sick yesterday but came to church so he could stay on track to be baptised with his wife. It was amazing. 

Yichen-she is a lady with whom I talked to the first day here in poitier. She comes to church everyday and she invited us over to have some Korean food. Yummy. She isn't quite sure if she believe in God but she is learning a lot at church and while we are with her. 

Panwang- she is so funny. A cute little Chinese girl who is really committed to the church. We are seeing the spirit work with her and testify of truths as she asks. 

Somethings I really have been learning is faith and blessings, God can only bless us when we are obedient.  He cannot force us to have good things or bad things. In this great plan of happiness we all will get what we want. Happiness and joy come from and only in jesus christ. When we have faith in jesus christ we ACT in faith to receive blessings from Jesus Christ. I testify that he is real and that he works along side of us. 

Love you all:) 

Elder Bennett