Monday, October 16, 2017

For the Fam...

HEYY family!! so we dont have a whole ton of time to type this week but i wanted to let you guys know how my week went:)

so monday and tuesday i was in toulouse, which is a bigger city and way fun, because we go on splits with the other elders and its super fun! 

wednesday we got back to agen, and we ate food at pascales and my bike also broke way bad. like all my spokes popped off. soo bo if you know how to fix that. lmk. 

thursday was just alot of porting ( knocking doors) and its always so fun. because honestly its such a guessing game! haha 

friday and saturday just tried to do lots of passes and talk to our amies and members

sunday wwas church, and it was awaeome. we saw a miracle. a lady just showed up to church and siad she has seen our church and always felt like she needed to come. i love it when that happens. soo much easier like that! haha 

also. i wanna show you guys how inspired our leaders our. my mission president is so inspired. me and elder romer white washed Agen. not alot of missionaries like Agen becaise they say that nothing happens there. holy well presidient was inspired to white wash it. the members are really opening up to the missionaires now and that is were the works starts! dad youve got a big job as a ward mission leader to get it going! and now Agen is exploding! we see miracles every day. and we have 2 families that could get baptized, we have so much going on now. our weeks feel up really fast. but its so cool how we went from nothing to so much, because of how insipred presiddent is. 

anways! love you guys and love hearing from you all!! 

your bro, and son:)
Elder Bennett

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